patreon art
private group offerings
2020 to 2021

The Flash
Do not apologize
for taking too long
to reply
to my email
Emails can wait
They don’t need food
or water
They remain intact
and pristine
whether opened or not.
Whether replied to now,
10 minutes ago,
or 100 years from now.
They are not any more
real than a thought
or a whisper
or a shout.
They do not need
you to caretake them
They are not banging
on your door
Let’s start a revolution
of softness
and space.
We will pile
all of the emails
and text messages and alerts
and DMs and PMs
and likes and shares and replies
into one of those medieval catapults—
and slingshot them
over the horizon
and into the sun,
when it is setting.
They will explode
in a satisfying flash
And we will
sit and breathe
and do what we like.