** Free masterclass — September 20, 2023 **

Intuition or Intellect?

Balancing the head and the heart in business


Conventional wisdom makes it seem like business success is all cerebral. You make decisions by adding up the numbers, looking at past performance to make future projections, writing down lists of pros and cons.

But the more work experience you get, the more you realize that there are gray areas. Not all decisions are cut and dried. In fact, most are not. When can you trust your intuition — and when should you rely on your intellect?

And what is intuition, anyway?

In this 90-minute free masterclass, entrepreneur and intuition coach Jorli Peña will walk you through a series of practical exercises designed to amplify your access to your subtle senses and answer questions like:

  • When should you choose your own gut feeling over the external advice you're getting?

  • How do you distinguish between intuition and anxiety?

  • Is intuition something you can get better at? Or are some people just born with it?

Join us live on Zoom:
Wednesday, September 20th
7 pm to 8:30 pm ET*

*Once you register, you’ll receive a calendar invite automatically synced to your timezome.